I have been a contributing writer for MTV.com since 2008, where my work has spanned everything from live event reporting to lifestyle/entertainment news and in-depth music profiles. Though my writing today is largely inspired by MTV’s on-air content, I’ve also produced numerous interactive features (quizzes, poll/video posts and games), built up MTV’s active online discussion boards and managed the official Twitter feed for the @MTVShowBlog. Below, you’ll find links to some of my most recently published articles. Please feel free to check them out in their entirety, and don’t forget to take a look at my all-time favorite works.
No relationship drama (or boring work parties!) The secret joys of ringin’ in the New Year solo.
In the summer, being single is the BEST! But then, seemingly overnight, winter sets in. Suddenly, everyone you know is a Couple, and they’re all hibernating together while you’re forced to endure the dark, cold nights with only a Snuggie for comfort. It’s enough to make anyone feel like a Grinch! But before you go stealing everyone’s prezzies, we wanted to let you know: you’re not alone…
Big day on the way? What you need to know before you say “I do.”
Modern day engagements are easy: Boy meets girl, boy buys girl a monster diamond ring and girl excitedly breaks the news via social media. Modern day wedding planning, however? Not so much…
Find out which she-shows are the least unwatchable.
We know plenty of girls who watch “The Walking Dead,” “Game Of Thrones,” “Breaking Bad” (RIP) and other series that generally skew male. But if your gf’s reality shows account for more than half your DVR, it’s time you sorted through the crème de la crap...
Three years later and we can still feel the rain on our skin…
No matter how hard we try to fill the “Hills“-shaped hole in our hearts, not a day goes by that we don’t reminisce about The Show That Lauren Conrad Built and appreciate the happier times…
Thou shalt obey these five BFF commandments.
Are you one of those girls who doesn’t get on with other ladies? Maybe it’s your bitchy resting face, maybe it’s your abject hatred of shopping and “Sex and the City,” or maybe you’ve been breaking the cardinal rules of “Girl Code” without even knowing it…
Why being a girl totally rocks — at least 50% of the time.
For all the things that suck about having two X chromosomes, there are some aspects of ladyhood we wouldn’t trade for all the tips in Texas. Check out our 10 favorite things about being a girl (hint: it’s NOT the bathroom lines), then tell us what makes you proud to be a woman of the world..
Tired of being a lady? Find out which ‘Girl Code’ rules were made to be broken.
There’s a lot more to being a girl than reading chick lit and love-hating Lena Dunham…
If CT had a diary, it’d look something like this…
The “Rivals II” live reunion might be wrapped, but the memories of Knight sucker-slapping Frank in the face will live on forever…
The story continues as we journey into the inner-regions of Aneesa’s mind.
Think happy thoughts. Remembering the clichéd words of her former therapist, Aneesa took a deep breath, closed her eyes and tried to shut out the chaotic scene at Phuket International Airport…
Find out what happened to Jemmye and Camila after the cameras stopped rolling.
It was hot. Beads of sweat rolled down Jemmye’s back in quick-moving droplets as she climbed into the backseat of the giant silver S.U.V. She was angry…
A comic art interpretation of Super Cara and Cooke the Girl Wonder.
Is the sassy star-turned-stylish mom already looking to expand to her brood?
Things might get a bit more crowded in the Cutvallari household pretty soon! Yesterday, “Hills” alum (and suburban mom extraordinaire) Kristin Cavallari told UsMagazine.com that she’s already thinking about giving Camden a younger sibling in the not-so-distant future…”
What separates the rookies from the vets? Find out how to act like you got game.
Think you have what it takes to hang with the “Rivals II” crew? Well, if you’re gonna go toe-to-toe with Johnny Bananas and the gang, you need to make sure you’re on top of your “Challenge” etiquette first…
Fear of ketchup aside, Jemmye’s an all-star in the making. So why’s she the most hated girl in the house?
In a game full of vets with big-time reps, it’s hard to make a name for yourself as a (relative) newbie — especially when you’re best known for your mouthy ex-boyfriend and debilitating fear of condiments. But while Jemmye might be lacking in street cred, she’s one of the fittest, feistiest girls in the “Rivals II” house. So why can’t homegirl catch a break?
For a spunky Southerner who just proved she can swim like a fish, Jemmye’s having a hard time earning respect from her peers…